My Stage is the World

Oh what a tangled web we weave, when first we practise to deceive

And that’s why I’m not Carrie Bradshaw…

on March 25, 2016

Review of Katie Brennan – Quarter-Life Cabaret

Life as a millennial can be a struggle. We’re independent, career-focused and yet so determined to see the world that we will never, repeat never, be able to buy our own house.

Well, perhaps not every millennial, but certainly those of us that refuse to move out of London. So we drink our gin and prosecco, spend our free time (and money) at pop-up restaurants, Secret Cinema, and immersive challenge games. Oh and travelling. Obvs.

So it’s no surprise that as we approach the big three oh, we suddenly start to freak out a little bit… Who am I? What am I doing with my life? Where am I going? Etc.

One 20-something lady has taken this depressing impending doom and turned it into a hilarious cabaret.

Katie Brennan (aka Bloody Hell Brennan) is a true babe with fabulous eyelashes and a flipping awesome voice. She twinkles at the audience as she speaks to them completely deadpan about each horrendous issue us suffering millennials have to deal with on a daily basis.

With original songs, interpretations of classics and some important moral issues (For Tabitha, she wore taffeta… Always the bridesmaid and never the bride), Katie tackles it all from men to Manolos and renting to ranting.

She ain’t no Carrie Bradshaw, a fact she’s immensely proud of, singing how “salmon on rye, can fuck off and die… And that’s why I’m not Carrie Bradshaw!” I’m with Katie here – you can’t beat a good brunch, but it’s all about pancakes and mimosas. I never thought I’d say it, but Samantha was the only one of them with any sense!

I’m also with Katie as she sings “Lie on your back, try looking impressed and say oh oh, you’re the best! I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, I’m so over men.” Life’s too short to waste on dodgy Tinder dates… Wait, did someone say crazy cat lady? Harsh…

Katie’s cabaret is witty, depressing (but in a good way) and a a little bit shocking. Some of it is so close to home that the tears of laughter running down our faces are actually genuine, but one thing’s for sure, it was a bloody good evening!

Where else can you hear an extensive 90s music repertory – including Fresh Prince rap – without (thank God) having to actually hit a club? Sorry darlings, we’re far too old for that shit! I’d rather have a nice glass of vino and watch Gogglebox in my PJs.

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